
Showing posts from May, 2014

How Is the Adoption Going?

Nathan and I get this question fairly regularly, so I thought I'd write an updated post. We are actually still in the early pre-adoption stage, as we have not yet even applied to an agency to begin our home study. Currently we are working on saving and raising money. Just a heads up, some fundraising will begin this summer including a garage sale (which anyone in close proximity is welcome to donate items towards), an online private auction, among other small things here and there. More will come on those later. Something to pray about is our finances. I have been told that the U.S. government looks at our amazing work benefits (housing and more) as strictly benefits and doesn't take that into consideration when looking at our annual income. So, our annual income looks somewhat low for a family of going on 6. I of course think this is utterly ridiculous and unfair, but "the world is not fair, honey," and I'm sure there will be many other situations come up throu...