There Is Hope

It's been a long time since I've updated everyone on our adoption journey, so I believe it's time. In April of this year we applied for a second time with an agency to adopt from Korea, and for a second time we were denied. It is hard even now for me to let you in on this part of our life, to be vulnerable with our journey; my heart aches. There was nothing wrong with our application on paper, the agency just told us that there were other families currently in the process who were in even better financial situations than us that were facing some difficulties in their adoption process pointed at finances and they felt it best that we did not pursue adoption to Korea through them at this time. I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat, or two or three when I read those words in the email. Being denied the first time was difficult, but not exactly surprising. Being denied this second time literally felt like I'd had a miscarriage (and believe me, I know what that feels l...