The Sunday after Easter the whole family got together at the farm for our annual Easter egg hunt and dinner. A great time was had by all, and some of the pictures are really great. Here they are.
So, Nathan and I are going to adopt. Yes, I said it, adopt. There has been a recent change from "Nathan and I would like to adopt someday" to "we are going to adopt". I have so many thoughts running through my head these days that this post may end up in a jumbled mess, but we'll just see. We are in the very beginning baby stages of our journey toward adoption, but you have to start there before you can go any further. It is so exciting and scary at the same time. I've heard others compare their process of adoption as similar to the feelings you have when you are pregnant with a biological child, and I feel that same way now. I feel like I did when I was pregnant with my first child, Ariana. While I was pregnant, I read everything about babies and pregnancy that I could get my hands on, I thought about it all the time and talked about it all the time. I feel as though I'm reacting the same way now, reading everything I can about adoption, researching a...
Spoiler Alert: No, we did not adopt a child. Just to update curious minds about our adoption journey, we moved our timeline back just a bit, and the plan is to apply to our adoption agency in April, and then the journey really begins. As for this new adventure, there was a young girl in our community that needed a temporary home to live in for a while. Nathan and I were asked if we would consider taking her into our home. We prayed about it (quickly, as a decision had to be made in one day) and sought wise council. The whole time we were considering this decision I felt a great peace. We decided we could take on this new adventure, and I felt a great peace that God's grace was with me for this journey. So, now we have twin girl two-year olds! Eden and our new little girl share the same birthday month. She's been living with us for just over two weeks and has been a jewel. Of course there are normal issues that go along with parenting any two-year old, and she and Eden lik...
It's true, it's here, it is finally here! It's been a long journey, and the journey has barely even started! We've had a lot of bumps along the way when we first started out trying to adopt from South Korea. You can read about that here and here . We decided to take some time over the summer to pray about our next step while also giving my body time to recuperate from a ruptured disc. This fall we decided to go ahead and start exploring some options and just before I had surgery at the end of October, we decided to apply with an agency in the country of Ghana, Africa! I'll tell you more about the why's of that decision in another post. We decided to go ahead and apply, and thinking as things usually go with overseas adoptions, we would probably have a child in our home in the next 12-18 months, possibly even longer. Looking at a long timeline, we wanted to go ahead and get started and there would be plenty of time to recover from surgery, get back on my fe...