Still Alive

Yes, it has been quite a while since I've posted anything to my blog. Life doesn't seem to be lending itself to the blogging world right now. A 10 hour work day as opposed to an 8 1/2 hour work day (the difference in travel time) is quite different, and I am still not used to it. By the time Ariana is in bed it's time for me to read a little bit of a good book and head off to bed myself so I can be ready for another 10 hour work day the next day. I love weekends! I will be in Heartland in exactly 2 weeks. I know everyone knows this, I just can't help sharing my excitement with everyone over and over again.

I have started going to practices for the worship team here at Restoration and will be starting to help with services soon. This is very exciting to me. I love helping lead worship in the house of God. If you can believe this I haven't even played the piano once this entire summer! Yes, this is a very sad phenomena. I haven't had access to a piano (besides a very miserably out-of-tune piano, and I guess I'm not that desperate, or I just want to save everyone's ears). Well, that was a very long run-on parenthesis, was it not? I feel as if I could share millions of different tid bits of information on my life at the moment, but I know people get tired of reading extremely long blog posts, so I will finish for now. Maybe this way I will post a little sooner.


Kathy said…
I pretty much never get tired of reading tidbits of your lives, Jennie Becca. Keep it up!

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