I am not a big goal setter to be honest. I mostly just live my life and take whatever comes my way and deal with it when we get there. My husband likes to set goals, and I usually hate it when he asks me what my goal in life is, or what my goal is for the next 5 years, etc. However, I think my view on this is changing recently.
Now, I am not talking about huge future goals. For those of you that set those, great, I applaud you, but I am in what I would call the baby steps of goal setting in my life, and I'm quite enjoying it. Actually, most of these goals didn't start out as such, they sort of developed into that. I will explain.
1. Exercising - I don't usually set New Year's resolutions, but this year my husband wanted to talk to the youth group about setting some goals and having passion in life, so I thought I should at least come up with something. So, here was my great New Year's resolution: to get the elliptical machine upstairs and actually use it. Wow, awesome goal right?! Baby steps remember. :) Anyway, we got the machine upstairs in my bedroom, and we did it before the end of January. And after exercising a few times, I now have a new goal for the year. I plan to exercise 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. I've completed this goal for 2 weeks in a row now, and it's a goal I know I can accomplish. But, if I wouldn't have consciously set this goal for myself, I don't think I would have even made through 2 successful weeks because I wouldn't have had anything to push me those days when I really just wanted to sit on the couch and read.
2. My blog - Returning to my blog was at first just because I was growing crazy with excitement about the possibility of adopting in the not-too-far future and needed to share my feelings with the world I guess (or those that might read my blog). So, I re-started my blog, and I wrote 2 blogs the first week (pretty sure that's a record for me). After this, I decided that I was going to make it a goal of mine to write on my blog once a week. Usually I would have re-started the blog and then after one or two posts not write again until something major happened, or maybe none at all. But again, since I consciously set that goal, it now helps to propel me to actually do it.
Maybe you're a pro at setting and reaching goals and you laugh at my baby steps, but that's okay with me. Or, maybe you're someone who sets unrealistic goals and never reach them, or maybe you are like I have been for so long and don't set goals very often or not at all. Wherever you may be, I hope this post has given you some enjoyment (maybe laughing at me), or some encouragement in your own goals to keep going, or some inspiration to start setting your own goals. Believe it or not, it really will make a difference in your life.
Now, I am not talking about huge future goals. For those of you that set those, great, I applaud you, but I am in what I would call the baby steps of goal setting in my life, and I'm quite enjoying it. Actually, most of these goals didn't start out as such, they sort of developed into that. I will explain.
1. Exercising - I don't usually set New Year's resolutions, but this year my husband wanted to talk to the youth group about setting some goals and having passion in life, so I thought I should at least come up with something. So, here was my great New Year's resolution: to get the elliptical machine upstairs and actually use it. Wow, awesome goal right?! Baby steps remember. :) Anyway, we got the machine upstairs in my bedroom, and we did it before the end of January. And after exercising a few times, I now have a new goal for the year. I plan to exercise 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. I've completed this goal for 2 weeks in a row now, and it's a goal I know I can accomplish. But, if I wouldn't have consciously set this goal for myself, I don't think I would have even made through 2 successful weeks because I wouldn't have had anything to push me those days when I really just wanted to sit on the couch and read.
2. My blog - Returning to my blog was at first just because I was growing crazy with excitement about the possibility of adopting in the not-too-far future and needed to share my feelings with the world I guess (or those that might read my blog). So, I re-started my blog, and I wrote 2 blogs the first week (pretty sure that's a record for me). After this, I decided that I was going to make it a goal of mine to write on my blog once a week. Usually I would have re-started the blog and then after one or two posts not write again until something major happened, or maybe none at all. But again, since I consciously set that goal, it now helps to propel me to actually do it.
Maybe you're a pro at setting and reaching goals and you laugh at my baby steps, but that's okay with me. Or, maybe you're someone who sets unrealistic goals and never reach them, or maybe you are like I have been for so long and don't set goals very often or not at all. Wherever you may be, I hope this post has given you some enjoyment (maybe laughing at me), or some encouragement in your own goals to keep going, or some inspiration to start setting your own goals. Believe it or not, it really will make a difference in your life.