Treasure & Heart Designs
I've talked to some people individually, but I wanted to give an update on our adoption status currently. We applied to an agency last April and found out in May that we were denied. The two reasons being finances and some health issues (treatable/fixable). I was devastated of course, but not completely surprised. Both of these issues we knew could be potential issues but were hoping and praying that they wouldn't be. We decided that this did not mean a closed door, just one of the many bumps along this journey. Over the past several months, the health issue has been resolved, and we have been working to save as we can and pay some bills. We plan to apply with the same agency again after our next tax return. If the second application doesn't go as planned, we are already prayerfully considering other options such as U.S. adoptions, but feel that we should continue the South Korea route unless that door becomes closed. Also in the meantime I have been working on som...