A New Adventure

Spoiler Alert: No, we did not adopt a child. Just to update curious minds about our adoption journey, we moved our timeline back just a bit, and the plan is to apply to our adoption agency in April, and then the journey really begins.

As for this new adventure, there was a young girl in our community that needed a temporary home to live in for a while. Nathan and I were asked if we would consider taking her into our home. We prayed about it (quickly, as a decision had to be made in one day) and sought wise council. The whole time we were considering this decision I felt a great peace. We decided we could take on this new adventure, and I felt a great peace that God's grace was with me for this journey. So, now we have twin girl two-year olds! Eden and our new little girl share the same birthday month. She's been living with us for just over two weeks and has been a jewel. Of course there are normal issues that go along with parenting any two-year old, and she and Eden like to antagonize each other, but more often they play well together an entertain each other.

Quick cute story: The other day the girls were holding their sippy cups as if they were babies and rocking them back and forth. They started singing Rock a bye baby while continuing to rock their sippy cup babies (of course I couldn't actually understand the words they were saying, but that's what it sounded like). Then, they started raising their hands while still rocking and singing (as in a worship gesture). Out of the mouth of babes. There's some understanding that still needs to come, but it sure did make me smile.

We don't know how long we'll have the privilege of having this little girl in our home, but while we do we plan to smother her with love and make her a part of our family. Although this new journey is just beginning, it has given me a glimpse of something that may at some time become a pattern of life for our family. It may not always look the same, but I believe that God is calling me to care for young ones in need.


AbuJan said…
I think you are perfect to smother her in love, and how awesome you are to answer yes! I love watching your process and knowing, rather seeing God provide all the grace that is needed for each moment... I'm sure that is a LOT with 4 kids in the home and 2 of them being 2!

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