We're Adopting!
It's true, it's here, it is finally here! It's been a long journey, and the journey has barely even started! We've had a lot of bumps along the way when we first started out trying to adopt from South Korea. You can read about that here and here . We decided to take some time over the summer to pray about our next step while also giving my body time to recuperate from a ruptured disc. This fall we decided to go ahead and start exploring some options and just before I had surgery at the end of October, we decided to apply with an agency in the country of Ghana, Africa! I'll tell you more about the why's of that decision in another post. We decided to go ahead and apply, and thinking as things usually go with overseas adoptions, we would probably have a child in our home in the next 12-18 months, possibly even longer. Looking at a long timeline, we wanted to go ahead and get started and there would be plenty of time to recover from surgery, get back on my fe...