We're Adopting!
It's true, it's here, it is finally here! It's been a long journey, and the journey has barely even started! We've had a lot of bumps along the way when we first started out trying to adopt from South Korea. You can read about that here and here. We decided to take some time over the summer to pray about our next step while also giving my body time to recuperate from a ruptured disc. This fall we decided to go ahead and start exploring some options and just before I had surgery at the end of October, we decided to apply with an agency in the country of Ghana, Africa!
I'll tell you more about the why's of that decision in another post. We decided to go ahead and apply, and thinking as things usually go with overseas adoptions, we would probably have a child in our home in the next 12-18 months, possibly even longer. Looking at a long timeline, we wanted to go ahead and get started and there would be plenty of time to recover from surgery, get back on my feet, and slowly but surely begin some fundraising again and saving money through our own means.
About a week after I had surgery, we received information that our application was accepted through this agency, and since then, everything has felt like a whirlwind! A good whirlwind, but a whirlwind nonetheless. That slow and steady (sometimes heart-wrenchingly long) adoption journey does not seem as though it is going to be our story this time. Things are moving quickly with our agency, and we have the potential to have our new little child home with us within the next 3-6 months! I don't have more specific information to give at the moment (we're just getting our home study started!), but I will keep you all updated as I am able.
Nathan and I feel God right in the midst of this all. His timing is perfect, and with it comes peace and joy. Of course in the midst of it all, there are many practical things to take care of. With a quick adoption, there's not a lot of time to raise and save the funds needed for an overseas adoption. We will be doing some larger fundraisers in the near future, but before I even knew how fast this train was moving, I started a small fundraiser with my Thirty One bags that you can check out here. Even if you are unable to purchase right now, please think about sharing the event on your Facebook page, and perhaps you'd have a friend that is interested. Also, if you feel you are unable to help financially at this point, please consider hosting your own Thirty One party! You don't have to spend any money, you get hostess rewards, and you help me make money to put towards our adoption!
We are definitely in need of your prayers during this time and cherish every single one of you!