Adoption Awareness Month

November is National Adoption Month. I didn't know this until I stumbled upon this information about a week ago. It made me so excited because it's something I can participate in as we are waiting for our journey to take off, and because I had already decided to hold our online auction to raise funds for our adoption the first two weeks of November. What a perfect time to have this event!

The focus for National Adoption Month is finding loving, permanent homes for the foster children who are waiting to be adopted. While everyone involved in any type of adoption should celebrate and raise awareness this month, the main focus is to raise awareness for the children in the U.S. foster care system that are available for adoption. While our adoption is not through the foster system, I am excited to play a part in raising awareness about adoption in general and specifically for those in the foster care system.

So, I guess this is sort of a warning that there is more to come once November hits! Also, one last plug, our online auction starts in only 11 days!! Stay tuned for more information; you won't want to miss this.


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