Something For Everyone

We've completed our garage sale fundraiser and are in the midst of caramel popcorn sales! Check out my "Popcorn for Adoption" page if you haven't yet. Very soon, November 1st to be exact, we will begin our final fundraiser for the fall, and I am so excited about this one! We are going to hold an online "silent" auction. It's similar to a live silent auction, just done online. The way it works is very similar to an eBay type auction, except that the items available to bid on cannot be purchased from a site such as eBay. The auction will last two weeks, and each item will be available to bid on for a few days.

The reason I'm so excited about this auction is because I know the items that are generously being donated are going to be amazing! I'm going to have a hard time not keeping them for myself. :) There will be something for everyone at this auction, and it comes just before Christmas! What a great way to Christmas shop! There will be one-of-a-kind children's items, baby gifts, home decor, photo package and much more! (I'm so excited about this I can't stop using exclamation points!) Most items that are sold at this auction can be shipped anywhere in the continental U.S., so those friends and family that haven't had an opportunity to participate in our local events, this is your chance.

The week before this event, I will have photos and descriptions of all the auction items posted on this blog. I will have a private web address for the auction, and I'll get that information out closer to time along with instructions for logging on and bidding. What I need from friends and family is help spreading the word. Once the website information is available, please feel free to share it with your friends and family on social media or through other avenues. 


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